The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! VP Harris be warned: don’t stoke the cauldron of hate, lest we all end up fish bait!


Arrr, House Speaker Mike Johnson be shoutin’ from the crow’s nest, echoing his matey Mitch McConnell! He be requestin’ that lass VP Harris ease off the harsh words about Cap’n Trump. Aye, let’s keep the ship’s sails from flappin’ too much, or we’ll scare the fish away!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round as ol’ House Speaker Mike Johnson be raisin' the Jolly Roger against Vice President Harris, demandin' she quell her fiery words comparin' the former captain of the ship, Trump, to notorious scallywags like Hitler and Mussolini! Johnson be claimin’ such talk be not only desperate but a dangerous game, akin to stirrin’ a hornet’s nest on a stormy sea!

"Aye, we've seen two assassination attempts on the captain in just three moons! The seas be boilin' and Harris be stokin’ the flames!" he exclaimed, joinin’ forces with fellow matey Kevin Coughlin on the Fox & Friends vessel.

Both Johnson and ol’ Mitch McConnell, that crafty sea dog, be warnin’ Harris that labelin' Trump a ‘fascist’ could send another would-be assassin to the plank, robbin’ the good people of their right to choose come Election Day!

Harris, on the other hand, be standin’ her ground, sayin’ the sea be treacherous when it comes to political violence, and pointin’ to her fellow shipmates who’ve raised the alarm on Trump’s threat level. She be insistin’ that the American people deserve to know the truth, even if it be likenin' their captain to a bunch of no-good tyrants!

So hoist the sails and prepare for a squall, for this political saga be far from over! Arrr!

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