"Ye scallywags and yer starchy treasures: a tangled love affair spanin’ near 800,000 moons, arrr!"
Arrr, me hearties! Fresh tidings spill forth that we be wired to lust after them carbs, makin’ us gobble 'em up like treasure! Now we be feastin’ more than a ship’s crew on a bountiful haul! Beware the scallywag who says, “One more biscuit!”
Arrr mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn about the wondrous ways we scallywags evolved to love us some carbohydrates! Aye, new evidence be showin’ that our ancestors, starvin’ like shipwrecked sailors, learned to crave the sweet, delectable treasure of carbs, like a pirate yearnin’ for gold doubloons!