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Arrr! Bad Bunny be backin’ Harris, while a jester calls Puerto Rico a trashy treasure isle! Har har!


Arrr, me hearties! Bad Bunny be givin’ a hearty nod to Kamala Harris, after a jester spouted at Trump’s shindig in Madison that Puerto Rico be naught but a "floating isle of trash!" Aye, ‘tis a right jolly jest, but let’s not be throwin’ the rum overboard, savvy?

Ahoy, mateys! Gather ‘round fer a tale of the daring Bad Bunny, the swashbucklin’ superstar o’ Puerto Rico, who set sail on the political seas this Sunday. After a heap o’ jests from a comedian at the infamous Trump rally—where Puerto Rico was likened to a “floating island o’ garbage”—our brave Bunny took up his sword in support of the Democratic dame, Kamala Harris!

With a hearty crew of 45 million Instagram followers, Bad Bunny, whose true name be Benito Antonio Martínez Ocasio, proclaimed his allegiance to Harris right after the jests—acknowledged by his representative, mind ye! This fine lass was out seekin’ support from the fine folks at a Puerto Rican eatery in North Philly, preachin’ about the stakes in the election fer her Caribbean brethren.

In his endorsement, Bad Bunny shared Harris’s words, callin’ out the former captain, Trump, for abandonin’ the fair isle in its hour of need. He pointed out that Trump offered nothin’ but paper towels, mateys! The Trump crew, tryin’ to save face, quickly disavowed the comedian’s cruel jests. But the sea of politics be a treacherous one, and the Puerto Rican vote be mighty important in Pennsylvania, land of fierce battles!

So hoist yer flags high and keep an eye on this tale, fer the winds o’ change be blowin’! Whether it be Bad Bunny or other stars like Jennifer Lopez, the fight for Puerto Rico’s voice be far from over!

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