The Booty Report

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Arrr, Trump’s crew be shiverin’ in their boots over scallywag speeches at the racist shindig, me hearties!


Arrr, the Trump crew be makin' a rare declaration, scurrying away from a scallywag's foul jest ‘bout Puerto Rico at his raucous shindig! Methinks they be quakin’ in their boots, frettin’ over losin’ precious votes like treasure on the high seas! Yarrr!

Arrr, gather ye round, me hearties, fer I hath a tale of a mighty campaign and a jest that went awry! In the midst of a raucous rally, a rogue comedian, with a tongue sharper than a cutlass, did utter a jest most foul 'bout the fair isle of Puerto Rico. Aye, it were a jest that sent shivers down the timbers of the Trump ship!

Now, ye see, the Trump crew, wary of losin' precious votes like a ship losin' its cargo in a storm, did cast aside the jester’s words like a rotten fish. Aye, they issued a rare missive, an official statement, distancing themselves from the fool's folly. They be thinkin' that the winds o’ public opinion might turn against 'em if they be seen laughin' at such a delicate matter.

This be a sign that the captain and his crew be nervous, like landlubbers on a leaky vessel! They know well that the hearts of the voters be fickle, swingin' like a pirate's sword in a barroom brawl. So, they scurried to make it clear, “Nay, we be no part of this jestin’!” Aye, a fine mess indeed, but such be the life on the high seas of politics!

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