The Booty Report

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Ahoy! Behold the jolly realm o' nerds, where gummy clusters dazzle like treasure, and silliness reigns supreme! Arrr!


Avast ye mateys! Sales o’ them Nerds be surgin’ like a stormy sea! The scallywags at the company declare the secret to their treasure be naught but a fanciful multicolored orb! Aye, who knew sweet delights could be found in such a wobbly bauble? Arrr!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round, for I be havin' a tale that’d make even the fiercest buccaneer raise a flag of curiosity! The fine company known as Nerds be claimin’ their treasures be a-plenty in recent tides, and what be the secret to their newfound bounty? A multicolored orb, ye say? Aye, ye heard me right! A wee ball of sugar that be glimmerin’ like buried doubloons under the sun!

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