The Booty Report

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"Arrr, Biden be trippin’ like a landlubber, makin' Harris's sailin' rough. Dem insiders be wringin’ their hands, savvy?"


Arrr, matey! President Biden be missin' the grand speech o' Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday night. But lo! His blunder in a video chat be stirrin' up a storm, givin' her campaign a right ol’ headache. Aye, the seas o’ politics be treacherous indeed!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round, fer I be havin' a tale of political mischief from the landlubbers in the White House. 'Twas a fine night o’ speeches, and our fair Vice President Kamala Harris took to the stage like a true captain steerin’ her ship. But lo and behold, where be the fearless leader, President Biden, ye ask? Off swabbin' decks, it seems, for he missed the whole hullabaloo!

But wait, the plot thickens like a good stew! Our Cap’n Biden, in a video interview, let slip a gaffe so ill-timed it could make a sea serpent laugh! Aye, his words tangled up like a net full o’ fish, causin’ a tempest in Kamala's campaign! The poor lass was left flounderin’ like a fish outta water, tryin’ to keep her ship steady amidst the storm of confusion.

So here we are, me hearties, with Captain Biden causin’ more ruckus than a pirate crew at a rum party! Let this be a lesson to all ye landlubbers: choose yer words wisely, lest ye sink yer own ship! Now, let’s raise a tankard to Kamala, brave as a matey can be, and hope the winds turn in her favor, or else she’ll be walkin’ the plank of political peril!

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