The Booty Report

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"Arrr! Why Governor Carney be jumpin' ship to steer the good ol' mayoral vessel of Wilmington, ye ask?"


Arrr, John Carney o' Delaware be ready to swap his governor's hat fer a mayor's cap! He be claimin’ it’s a grand ol' leap up the ladder, though I reckon it’s more like jumpin' from the crow's nest to the galley! Avast, what a merry jest!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I regale ye with the tale of John Carney, a fine lad hailing from the shores of Delaware. This scallywag be makin' history, for he be the first governor to throw his hat into the ring and set sail toward the mayor's office. A curious turn of the tides, ye say! Blimey, 'tis a tale worthy of a toast!

Now, ye might wonder how a governor becomes a mayor, but John, that crafty sea dog, be claimin' it be a step up! Aye, a step up! As if he be climbin' the riggin' of a mighty ship, lookin' down upon the deck and thinkin' it be a grander view. Perhaps he fancies himself the captain now, navigatin' the treacherous waters of municipal governance!

With a wink and a nod, he be settin' sail on this new adventure, leavin' behind the governor's cabin for the bustling docks of city hall. What treasures await him in this new voyage? Will he bring forth the bounty of prosperity, or will he find himself in the briny deep of political mischief? Only time shall tell, but fer now, we raise our tankards high to John Carney, the first governor-mayor, may his winds be fair and his compass true!

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