The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! TV captain's in a tizzy, claimin' Trump be sankin' the press—'tis the end of the media seas!


Arrr, matey! The scallywags of the press be quakin' in their boots 'bout what mischief might brew with that ol' sea dog Trump takin' the helm again! Aye, the winds of worry blow strong in their ship!

Ahoy mateys! The news scallywags be flappin’ their jaws ‘bout the storm brewin’ o’er another election victory for that crafty former Captain Trump! Some be sayin’ the legacy media might just keel over and sink to Davy Jones’ locker! Arrr!

Aye, a report from the swanky New York Magazine be suggestin’ that the media’s in a right tizzy, especially at The Washington Post, where their overlord Bezos be pullin’ endorsements like a pirate tossin’ treasure overboard! One network swab declared, "If Trump sails into power, it’d spell doom for the news industry!" Talk about a cannonball to the hull!

With Trump at the helm again, the exec fears folks might just hunker down and avoid the news like a cursed ship at sea. They lamented, “If he turns the ship into an autocracy, what’ll happen to the rest of the tales we ought to tell?”

And as the salty crew worries ‘bout chasin’ endless tweets and the noise drownin’ out the real stories, one wonders if the reporters can muster the energy to keep chasin’ that scallywag Trump! So hoist the sails, me hearties, for it be a wild voyage ahead in the treacherous waters of news! Yarrr!

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