The Booty Report

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Vance be tellin' Rogan, "I thought Trump met Davy Jones in July! I was ready to keelhaul!"


Arrr, matey! JD Vance, that scallywag vyin' for the second matey spot, thought the great Trump had met Davy Jones at that ruckus rally in July! First thing he be doin’? Batten down the hatches and protectin’ his kin from the stormy seas of chaos! Har har har!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round fer a tale of high seas intrigue and perilous politics! Our brave matey, Vice Presidential candidate JD Vance, spun a yarn with Joe Rogan, recountin’ his swift action after a dastardly attempt on the life of his captain, former President Trump. Aye, it was July 13th when the first cannon was fired at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, and two days later, Vance found himself sworn in as Trump’s trusty VP pick.

With a heart full of fire and concern fer his crew, Vance recalled how he thought Trump had met Davy Jones, ‘cause the scallywag looked mighty down after the shot rang out. Puffed up with righteous indignation, he rushed to gather his little buccaneers from a miniature golf course, loadin’ his ship with arms like a true sentry perched at the helm!

As they parleyed about the nefarious assassin, Vance couldn’t help but ponder how the rogue managed to sneak so close to the captain’s quarters. “A potshot from a hundred and forty yards? Blimey, 'tis a miracle Trump still breathes!” he exclaimed, while Rogan jestingly mused about the Secret Service's lame excuse for not deployin’ snipers.

In the end, this escapade be a right fishy business, and Vance hopes, like a true sea dog, to uncover the villainy behind it all! Arrr!

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