The Booty Report

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"Arrr, 'tis the tangled tales o' Trump’s salty words ’bout them scallywag immigrants! Aye, what a hullabaloo!"


Arrr, in the former captain's call to the scallywags, the learned folk be hearin' whispers of our land's olden fear of the foreign! Aye, it's like a parrot squawkin' the same ol' tune—fear not, me hearties, for we be sailin' the same sea of suspicion!

Arrr, matey! Gather 'round, ye landlubbers, for I be here to spin ye a yarn 'bout a former captain of the ship o' state, who be makin’ a ruckus among the crew of voters! Aye, this scallywag be parleyin’ with words that echo the dark and murky waters of our nation’s past, where fear of the unknown be leadin’ good men astray, like a ship lost in a storm without a compass!

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