The Booty Report

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"Blimey! Twas the fiercest year in the murkiest brig of America’s meanest jails, arrr!"


Arrr, in Riverside County, California, the death toll o' the detainees be risin' higher than a ship's mast! With souls takin' the plunge into Davy Jones' locker, it seems the prison be as leaky as a dilapidated hull, revealin' troubles deeper than the ocean's depths! Arrr!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round fer a tale from the wild shores of Riverside County, California, where the winds be blowin' foul and the crows be a-squawkin' of misadventures! Aye, it seems the county's holdin' cell has seen a grim tide, with a death count higher than a crow's nest! Aye, ye heard me right—it's the highest in decades, and the poor souls be makin' their last voyage, some even takin' the leap into Davy Jones' locker by their own hands!

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