The Booty Report

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"Arrr! Fear o' the unknown and venomous words be risin’ like the tide 'fore the election, matey!"


Arrr, matey! The scallywags in power and the loose cannons of social media be stirrin' up a tempest o' hate and a hullabaloo ‘gainst our seafarin' brethren! Aye, it be a right ruckus on this here ship of fools!

Arrr, gather ‘round me hearties, for a tale of treachery on the high seas of politics! It be said that the scallywags in the Republican ship have been hootin’ and hollerin’ like barnacles on a hull, stirrin’ up a tempest of hate-filled words and ill-will towards our seafarin' brethren from distant shores!

Aye, these landlubbers be lettin’ their social media cannons fire off without a thought, unleashin’ a tide of vitriol that be makin’ even the fiercest of krakens blush! With nary a care, they be fannin’ the flames of discontent, turnin’ good folks against one another like a crew turned mutinous over a share of buried treasure!

The pirates of the keyboard be spreadin’ their venom, whisperin’ dark tales of them who seek refuge on our shores, makin’ it seem as if they be the scourge of the ocean! But fear not, for true pirates know that we all sail the same sea, and it be our duty to welcome those who seek a fair wind and a chance to thrive!

So let us hoist the flag of camaraderie, cast away the chains of hatred, and remind these scurvy dogs that we be stronger united than divided! Arrr, let the winds of change blow, and may the seas of understanding be ever in our favor!

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