The Booty Report

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Arrr! Daniel Penny sails into Manhattan court as the trial o' the subway stranglehold be settin' sail with grand speeches!


Arrr, mateys! The trial o’ ol’ Daniel Penny, a sea dog o’ the U.S. Marines, be settin’ sail this Friday, all fer the chokeholdin' mishap that sent poor Jordan Neely to Davy Jones’ locker! Let the courtroom shenanigans begin! Avast, what a ruckus!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather ye ‘round as I spin ye a yarn from the high courts of Manhattan, where a lad named Daniel Penny finds himself in a right pickle! This scallywag be facing charges of manslaughter, all due to a ruckus with a chap named Jordan Neely, who, by all accounts, was havin' a bit of a mad spell on the subway.

Now, outside the court, a crew of protesters be shoutin' like banshees, claimin' Penny's actions be as illegal as a pirate’s plunder! But his mates in defense be claimin’ he was merely defendin’ himself from Neely’s wild threats, which be as fierce as a storm at sea. The prosecution, with a stern look, said Neely frightened many a poor soul on that train, takin’ his last breath on the dirty floor while shoutin' threats like a lunatic.

Penny’s crew be claimin' he was just tryin’ to keep the peace, usin’ a hold he learned in the Marine Corps, not intendin’ to send Neely to Davy Jones’ locker. But they say he held him too long, nearly six minutes—long enough for any sailor to brew a fine cup of grog! As the trial sails on, the stakes be high, with Penny facin’ up to 19 years in the brig if convicted. So hold tight, me hearties, for this be a tale of chaos on the high subway seas!

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