The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, matey! The captain o’ Burlington be sayin’ hazards be scarin’ off me hearty customers! Worst tide we’ve sailed!


Arrr, matey! The captain of a sportin’ goods shop in Burlington be lamentin’ that the scallywags and their drinkin’ troubles be chasin’ off his fine crew of customers! Aye, who’d want to sail into a storm of misfortune when ye can be patchin' yer sails in peace?

Avast ye hearties, gather around and lend me yer ears! A fine business owner in the fair port of Burlington, Vermont, be speakin' of troubles that weigh heavier than a treasure chest o' gold. John George-Wheeler, the captain of the Skirack sporting goods shop, be lamentin’ that the scourge of homelessness, a rise in crime, and a wicked drug crisis have driven customers from his shores more than any stormy seas of economic woe in his 55-year voyage.

With the city’s streets flooded with over 350 poor souls, many succumbin’ to the wiles of fentanyl, the good captain says it’s a dire time indeed. He be thinkin’ that the local mates be needin’ to rally together, for the tides of construction and road closures be makin’ it perilous for honest folk to navigate the downtown waters.

Yet, even with this tempest brewin’, he’s callin’ for unity! “We must care for those in need, but also keep our ports safe for those who toil and trade,” he shouts. The local business crew be bandin’ together, supportin’ one another like true buccaneers, desiring to keep their fair city from sinkin’ further into the abyss. The council be makin’ blunders, defundin’ the police, and now they see the folly of that course. So hoist the sails, and let’s find a way to right this ship before it all goes to Davy Jones’ locker!

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