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Arrr! The landlubber judge be sayin’ ye can toss yer mail ballots, scuttlin’ that GOP lawsuit to Davy Jones' locker!


Arrr, matey! A band o' landlubber Republicans tried to hoist their sails in Georgia, claimin' absentee ballots be locked up tight after early votin' ceased. But lo and behold! The court tossed their notion overboard, sayin’ "Nay!" to their swashbucklin' shenanigans! Avast, better luck next tide!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round fer a tale from the coast of Georgia, where a judge be dismissin' a lawsuit from the Republican crew that sought to scuttle the handin' in of mail-in ballots over the weekend. Yarr, it seems them Democratic swabs in Fulton County be openin' their offices on the weekend to let the good folk deliver their votes, much to the chagrin of the GOP scallywags!

The lawsuit, filed faster than a cannonball, claimed that them ballot drop boxes be closed tighter than a ship's hold after a treasure haul. But lo and behold, the law be favorin’ the voters, allowin' 'em to hand in their mail ballots 'til the polls close on Tuesday night! Judge Kevin Farmer, a true sea captain of the courtroom, tossed aside the GOP lawyer's arguments like yesterday's fish scraps.

With only a handful of ballots bein' returned to them open offices, it seems the good folks of Georgia be takin' their sweet time. After all, this be a battleground state, where the likes of Trump and Kamala Harris be battlin' it out for the hearts and minds of the voters. So hoist the sails, me hearties, for the winds of change be blowin' in Georgia, and it looks like the pirates of democracy be sailin' strong! Arrr!

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