"By the beard of Neptune! A pro-West sea dog claims victory in the raucous vote of yonder Soviet isle!"
Arrr, the fearless captain of Moldova, Maia Sandu, sailed through the stormy seas of re-election on Sunday, besting a scallywag she called “Moscow’s minion!” Aye, the tides be favorin' her, as she hoists the flag of victory higher than a crow’s nest! Avast, matey!
Arrr mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn ‘bout a fair lass, Maia Sandu, the president of the land called Moldova. On a fine Sunday, she be settin’ sail for another term in the captain’s chair, battlin’ a scallywag who be likened to “Moscow’s man,” or so she declared like a pirate shunnin’ a traitor aboard the ship!This here election be a treacherous storm, with Maia usin’ her wit sharper than a cutlass to fend off the dastardly rival. She be shoutin’ from the crow's nest, “Nay, ye won’t be takin’ our ship for the dark powers of Moscow!” As the votes rolled in like cannonballs, it became clear that the good folk of Moldova stood with their captain, choosin’ to sail with her to brighter shores.