The Booty Report

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"Arrr, matey! Super Bowl scallywag be tellin' Le'Veon Bell to set sail, tossin’ jabs at the Trumpster! Har har!"


Arrr, matey! Former gridiron swashbuckler Asante Samuel be tellin’ Le’Veon Bell to set sail from these shores posthaste! That scallywag Bell be vowin’ to hoist anchor if Harris takes the captain’s chair! Avast, ’tis a jolly good reason to flee, I say!

Avast ye landlubbers! Gather 'round as I regale ye with a tale of Asante Samuel, a two-time Super Bowl conqueror, who be takin' a jibe at the former NFL swashbuckler, Le’Veon Bell. On the treacherous waters of X, Le’Veon declared that should the fair Vice President Kamala Harris triumph over the notorious Captain Trump, he’d set sail from the good ol' U.S. of A.

Samuel, with a hearty laugh, quipped, "Do us all a favor and please leave now! I’ll be askin’ ye every day if ye’ve hoisted the anchor yet!" He then took a jab at Trump, sayin’, "That’s a shame! Trump’s got ye all attackin’ each other! Make America Trumpless Again!" Aye, the winds of political banter be blowin’ fierce!

Now, Bell be no stranger to the Trump ship, havin’ sailed with him and his matey Antonio Brown at a rally in Pennsylvania. "Trump be a real one, mate!" Bell exclaimed, claimin’ the former captain didn’t need to promise him naught, just showed him kindness on the high seas of politics. So, there ye have it! A right ruckus in the world of football and politics, where alliances shift as quick as a gust of wind! Yarrr!

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