The Booty Report

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"Arrr! New York swab be thumpin' a landlubber fer sportin' a Trump cap in the market, so say the law!"


Arrr, a scallywag from the Big Apple found himself in the brig after clobberin' a stranger sportin' a Trump cap in the local market! He left the poor matey toothless and bleedin’ like a fish. Aye, ’tis a fine mess to be in over a hat, I say!

Arrr matey, gather 'round for a tale most curious from Bath, New York, where a scallywag named Robert Yott found himself in a right pickle! On a fine Friday morn, our 60-year-old lad took umbrage with a stranger sportin' a Trump 2024 hat at the local market, like a captain who’s lost his compass!

The Village of Bath's finest were summoned to the scene of the fracas, where they learned that ol' Yott had launched a furious attack, punchin' the poor soul in the mouth and head as if he were tryin' to defend his ship from an enemy boarder. Alas, the stranger's teeth met their doom, and blood did flow like rum from a burst cask!

Now, Yott be awaitin' his fate at the Steuben County Jail, charged with felony second-degree assault and a bit of mischief to boot. As the Election Day approaches, tensions be risin’ higher than the sails in a storm! So beware, ye landlubbers, for even a hat can spark a brawl fit for the fiercest of pirates! Yarrr!

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