The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! In the realm o’ ballots, democracy be shakin’ its booty like a fine wench at a tavern!


Arrr, matey! Nearly 20 coastal towns be settin’ sail to decide on matters o’ gerrymanders, election shenanigans, and other ballot balderdash! Aye, let the seas of democracy be stormy, as we chart our course through the fog of voting folly! Avast, ho!

Ahoy there, mateys! Gather 'round, for ye be hearin' tales from the landlubbers as they be settlin' matters o' great import! In nearly twenty states, the good folk be preparin’ to cast their votes on matters of gerrymanders and election rules, a real hullabaloo it be, I tell ye!

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