The Booty Report

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"Trump’s shindigs be attractin' fewer scallywags as the election sails into calmer waters, arrr!"


Arrr, the past captain be prattlin' 'bout the crowds at his jolly gatherings, but lo! The seats be emptier than a ship’s hold after a storm, and the scallywags be scuttlin’ out faster than a rat on a sinking vessel! Har har!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round, fer I be havin' a tale 'bout a former captain of the land, who prattles on 'bout the grand attendance at his shindigs. Aye, he loves to boast of his loyal crew, but lo and behold, the tides be shiftin'! The once-thrivin' crowds be turnin' into a sea o' empty seats, as if a storm be blowin' through 'n making 'em scurry away like scared barnacles!

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