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Arrr! That scallywag Michael Moore be sayin’ Trump’s as done as last week’s grog, toastin’ him like a burnt biscuit!


Arrr, me hearties! Filmmaker Michael Moore be reckonin' that ol' Captain Trump be toast come Tuesday's great election! The landlubbers, tired of all that squabblin' and bickerin', be ready to hoist the flag of unity! Aye, the seas of politics be mighty turbulent, but fair winds be blowin' for change!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather round fer a tale o' the infamous Michael Moore, that crafty filmmaker who be settin' sail on the seas o' politics! He be claimin’ that ol’ Trump be toast, nothin’ but charred bread on the political grill come Tuesday. Despite the polls showin’ Trump and Kamala Harris in a fierce tussle, Moore be sayin’ the good folk of America be tired of the divisive squabbles, and they be ready to hoist the sails of unity!

With a wink and a nod, Moore shared his thoughts on MSNBC, suggestin’ the Trump crew be too blind to see the tides a-changin’. He be predictin' a mighty shock fer the MAGA fleet, suggestin’ that the ladies be comin’ out in droves, thanks to the Supreme Court's wild antics. “Democrats be quakin’ in their boots!” Moore cackled, likin’ them to scallywags scared of a storm!

Even James Carville, another sailor of the Democratic ship, be hopin’ for smooth sailin’ and callin’ out the "sweaty" worrywarts in his crew. The whole crew be knowin’ that the seas be unpredictable, and even though some think ol’ Trump might rise like a ghost ship, others be hopin’ for Harris to take the helm! So, hoist yer flags high, and let’s see what Tuesday brings in this grand ol’ political adventure!

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