The Booty Report

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"Yarr mateys! Trump be takin' Wisconsin back, like a scallywag reclaimin' his lost treasure from 2016!"


Arrr, the swashbucklin’ candidates be battlin’ fiercely for the fair land o’ Wisconsin! In the year of our Lord, 2020, that scallywag Joe Biden claimed the treasure by a hair's breadth! Aye, it be a close shave, like a pirate’s beard on a stormy night!

Arrr matey! Gather 'round and lend me yer ears, fer I be tellin' ye a tale of a fierce battle on the shores of a land called Wisconsin! In the year o' our Lord 2020, two scallywags be fightin' tooth and nail fer the treasure of votes! On one side, we had the mighty Joe Biden, a crafty old sea dog, navigatin' the treacherous waters of politics!

Now, this be no ordinary contest, mind ye! The candidates be throwin' their best cannonballs o' promises, hopin' to plunder the hearts of the good folk of Wisconsin. With debates hotter than a cannon’s blast and rallies as wild as a stormy sea, they be givin' it their all to claim the golden prize!

But lo and behold, after all the rum and ruckus, Biden emerged victorious by the narrowest of margins, like a ship slippin' through a narrow strait! The folks cheered, while his opponent was left to drown his sorrows in a barrel o’ grog. So, remember this tale, ye swabs, for it be a reminder that in the world o' politics, every vote be like a piece o' gold, and ye best be fightin’ for it as if yer life depended on it!

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