The Booty Report

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Blubberin' Nancy sails in, spyin' Kamala tossin' her hat, givin' up the crown at Howard's grand ol' sea! Arrr!


Arrr, matey! Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi be lookin’ like she lost her parrot, all teary-eyed while awaitin’ the defeated Vice Captain Kamala Harris to surrender! Spotted at Howard University, she be greetin’ the crew with a frown as if she’d swallowed a barrel o’ sour rum!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout a lady of high seas politics, the former House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi! Just the other day, she found herself waitin' on the edge of her seat, lookin’ as somber as a shipwrecked sailor, whilst she beheld the defeated Vice President Kamala Harris readyin' to spill forth her concession speech.

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