The Booty Report

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Arrr, Mayor Lumumba be caught with his hand in the treasure chest! Federal scallywags be after his booty!


Arrr, the town's cap'n and two scallywags be sayin' "Nay!" to the charges on Thursday! They be accused of foolin' with them F.B.I. swabs disguised as treasure-seekin’ landlubbers, tryin' to slip ‘em shiny bribes. Aye, the sea be full of shenanigans, matey!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round, fer I be spinnin' ye a yarn o' treachery on the high seas o' local governance! Just the other day, in a court as crowded as a ship's hold with loot, the mayor and two scallywags from the town's council stood before the judge, faces as innocent as a parrot on a perch. They be plead’n “not guilty,” like a crew caught stealin’ a treasure chest, but swearin’ it be not their hand that took the loot!

Ye see, these landlubbers found themselves in a right pickle after bein’ approached by the F.B.I., disguised as fancy real estate developers, offerin’ bribes fatter than a whale's belly! Aye, they thought they’d struck gold, but the only treasure they uncovered was a heap of trouble! The officials, with their eyes shinin' brighter than a pirate’s doubloon, be claimin’ their innocence, as if they be wearin’ a coat of invulnerability!

So now, the whole affair be like a shipwreck on a moonless night, with a crew of officials flounderin’ about, tryin' to stay afloat while the law be watchin’ from the crow's nest. Will they sail through this storm, or be they destined to walk the plank? Only time and a good ol' court trial will tell, me mateys!

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