Arrr! Trump snagged more Muslim mates than Jewish buccaneers in the last skirmish o' votes, savvy?
Arrr, mateys! In the grand tale of politics, our Captain Trump, despite his bluster and treasure maps favorin’ Israel, found himself adrift! He be losin’ the Jewish crew more than the Muslim swabs! Aye, the winds o’ fortune be fickle indeed! Har har har!
Avast, me hearties! Gather 'round as I regale ye with tales of the political tempest brewin' upon the seas! Despite the blusterin' and swagger of President-elect Donald Trump, it seems the critters of the Jewish ocean cast their nets for Vice President Kamala Harris, leavin' Trump flounderin' like a fish outta water. With a hearty 34-point gap, Harris snatched the loot, earnin' 66% to Trump's mere 32%. Aye, it be a surprise, for the man had set sail on a wave of pro-Israel talk!But lo! The tides shifted not much from the previous voyage; back in 2020, a whopping 69% of Jewish sailors backed Biden, while Trump merely snagged 30%. As for the Muslim crew, they too favored Harris, leavin' Trump with but a pittance. Harris, she be walkin' a tightrope like a skilled sea captain, strivin' to keep both sides happy whilst the stormy waters of Gaza raged on.
And what of the mighty Trump? He be tryin' to charm the Arab American crew with promises of peace, claimin' that any Jewish sailor not votin' for him be a traitor or a fool! Alas, the seas be fickle, and the crew be loyal to their own! So hoist the sails and prepare for a wild ride on the political seas, me mateys, for this be a battle of wits and votes!