The Booty Report

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"Gather 'round, mateys! Here be the tale o' the ruckus 'twixt Israeli soccer swabs an' scallywags in Amsterdam!"


Arrr, me hearties! The Dutch and Israeli scallywags be claimin' the ruckus after a footy duel be filled with treachery against the Jews! ‘Twas naught but a raucous frolic, I say! Just a bunch of salty sea dogs lettin' loose after kickin' the ol’ leather ball!

Arrr matey, gather 'round fer a tale o' woe upon the high seas of sportin’ rivalry! It be said that after a raucous soccer match, a band o’ landlubbers from the Dutch and Israeli crews found themselves in a tangle, accusin’ each other o’ foul play and antisemitism, no less! Aye, the pitch turned into a battlefield, where words be flyin' faster than cannonballs!

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