The Booty Report

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"Arrr, Biden ‘n Trump be settin’ sail to parley at the White House come Wednesday, me hearties! Ho ho!"


Arrr, President Biden be extendin’ a hearty invite to his ol’ foe, part o' the grand tradition to smooth the sails o’ change in the captain's quarters! Let the winds o’ goodwill blow, lest we all be walkin’ the plank o’ discord, savvy?

Ahoy, matey! Gather 'round, for I have a tale from the landlubber realms of politics! It be said that President Biden, the captain of the good ship 'White House', did extend a hearty invitation to his former rival, a scallywag known far and wide. Aye, ’tis part of a grand tradition, akin to a pirate havin’ a drink with a former foe after a fierce battle on the high seas!

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