The Booty Report

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Arrr! That speech scribe be sayin’ Biden's choice to sail again be a blunder o' mighty proportions!


Arrr, me hearties! On the jolly seas o’ Pod Save America, our swashbucklin’ host Jon Favreau declared that Cap’n Biden’s choice to hoist the sails for another presidential voyage be naught but a “catastrophic blunder!” Aye, mayhaps he’s set to crash upon the rocky shores of folly!

Avast, me hearties! Gather 'round as I regale ye with tales from the treacherous seas of politics! Former scribe to the esteemed Obama, Jon Favreau, be spouting forth on the "Pod Save America" ship about President Biden's choice to set sail for another voyage as a "catastrophic mistake!" Aye, he be claimin' that Biden and his crew were blind to the storms brewin' in the polls, refusin' to admit that inflation be makin' the folks quite irate!

Favreau waxed lyrical 'bout the election's outcome, pointin' out that while Biden bragged of a mighty economy, a good portion of the crew—70 to 80%—be not buyin' what he was sellin'. He revealed that while Biden's mates whispered sweet assurances that he be the strongest captain, they were secretly givin' poor Kamala Harris a shiv in the back! What treachery!

Then there be talk of Biden’s own treasure maps—his internal polls—that warned that Trump be settin' sail for a mighty 400 electoral votes! Despite all this, Biden be dismissin' the naysayers and claimed the race be a toss-up. Tommy Vietor added that many thought Biden be too old for another voyage, and Dan Pfeiffer declared that Harris might've fared better! So hoist the sails, me lads, for the seas be wild and the winds of change be blowin'! Arrr!

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