The Booty Report

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"Arrr! The worthy Captain Garry Conille be tossed from his helm! Overboard with ye, matey!"


Arrr, matey! As bodies pile high 'n' bellies rumble in Haiti's cursed waters, the captain of the ship—Prime Minister, he be—has been tossed overboard in a scuffle for power! Aye, just another storm for this land infested with raucous scallywags!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round and lend yer ears to this tale of woe from the land of Haiti, where the winds of misfortune be blowin' fierce! Aye, the seas be troubled with killings and hunger risin' like the tide, and the folk there be strugglin' more than a landlubber on a stormy night.

Now, our dear Prime Minister, bless his heart, found himself caught in a tempest of political squabblin'! Aye, he be tossed overboard, like yesterday's fishin' catch, all because the scallywags in power couldn’t agree on naught but a mug of rum! As the ruckus rages on, gang violence be rampant, makin' the streets more dangerous than a kraken's lair. It be a right sorry sight, I tell ye!

So here be Haiti, a fine ship caught in a maelstrom of chaos, with the crew fightin' amongst themselves while the pirates of hunger and violence run amok. The treasure of peace be hidden deep, and the map be lost! If ye be lookin' for laughter, ye best look elsewhere, for this tale be more tragic than a pirate missin' his rum! Raise a glass to the brave souls of Haiti, may they find their way through this stormy sea of trouble!

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