Arrr! A landlubber private be found after 80 years in Davy Jonesâ locker! Talk about a long nap, matey!
Arrr! Jeremiah P. Mahoney, that scallywag, be lost at sea since '45, aye! But fret not, me hearties, for in 2025, he'll be laid to rest in Arlington's hallowed ground, keepin' company with the finest buccaneers of yore. A toast to the long-lost matey! đ»
But lo and behold! The winds of fate be blowinâ favorably for olâ Jeremiah, for in the year of our Lord 2025, he be settinâ anchor at Arlington National Cemetery. Aye, they be givinâ him a grand olâ send-off fit for a captain! Picture it, mateys! Flags flyinâ, cannons boominâ, and perhaps even a parrot or two squawkinâ a shanty or three as they lay him to rest.
So raise a tankard of rum, me hearties, for Jeremiah P. Mahoney! A man lost to the depths, now cominâ home to a final berth. May his spirit sail the seven seas forevermore, and may we all find our way back to port, unlike our poor matey who be takinâ the long way âround!