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Arrr, Kyiv be clueless 'bout Trump and Putin's secret parley, like a landlubber missin' the tide!


Arrr, matey! Rumors be flyin' that Trump and Putin be chattin' like old sea dogs, but Ukraine's sayin', “Nay, we knew naught of such parley!” The Kremlin be swarmin' the tale too, claimin' it be naught but a ghostly whisper! Har har, what a merry jest!

Ahoy there, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn from the treacherous seas of politics! Word be flyin' like a seagull with a belly full o' fish that the mighty President-elect Donald Trump had a chinwag with the fearsome Russian captain, Vladimir Putin. But, lo and behold, the landlubbers in Ukraine be raisin' their eyebrows, claimin' they weren’t even given a whisper 'bout this confab! Aye, they be doubtin' if such a parley ever took place at all!

Meanwhile, the Kremlin, that ol' ship of secrets, be settin' sail with a thunderous "Nay!" claimin' the call be nothin' but a mirage in the fog. “Reports that Ukraine was prepped for this so-called exchange be naught but lies,” declared the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Heorhii Tykhyi, with a flourish and a swash of his cutlass!

So, here we be, caught in a storm of confusion on the high seas of diplomacy! The land of Ukraine be left in the dark, not knowin' if they be part o' this tale or just spectators in a jolly ol' jest! Keep yer spyglasses ready, me mateys, fer the political seas be murky and full of surprises!

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