"Avast! Lawmen be scourin' for a scallywag from Long Island, claimin' he shivved his own old sea dog!"
Avast ye, mateys! A grand chase be afoot on Long Island fer scallywag young Matthew Zoll, who, it be said, took a knife to his own old sea dog father in their humble abode on the morn of Saturday! Arrr, what a family squabble!
Arrr mateys! Gather ‘round fer a tale most grim from the shores of Long Island! A 23-year-old scallywag by the name of Matthew Zoll be on the run after accusin’ himself o’ givin’ his own father, the fine seafarer Joseph Zoll, a one-way ticket to Davy Jones’ locker! Aye, twas a stabbin’ that took place in their humble abode on a dark Saturday mornin’!The Suffolk County brutes be searchin’ high and low for this lad, and they be seekin’ the help o’ the good folk. They be describin’ young Matthew as a tall drink o’ water, standin’ 6 feet 1 inch and weighin’ a mere 150 pounds, with brown locks and eyes as murky as the dark sea. But beware, he bears a small scar under his left eye, likely from a raucous night o' rum and mischief!
As fer a reason fer this dastardly deed, the coppers remain tight-lipped like a clam in a storm. So, if ye spy this wayward soul wanderin’ about, don’t keep it to yerself, call the Homicide Squad and earn yer keep! The winds be blowin’ foul, and it’s a tangled web we weave in this tale of betrayal, murder, and a son with a heart as dark as the depths below!