The Booty Report

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Arrr, be the Trump Election a blow for lasses? Aye, even the fair maidens be squabblin’ on it!


Arrr, mateys! Kamala be the lass who coulda ruled as the first female captain of this here ship of state after 250 years! Yet, a fair number of wenches hoisted the sails for Trump, despite his scurvy antics and the perilous waters o’ Roe v. Wade! Blimey!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout a lass named Kamala Harris, who nearly sailed the high seas of power to become the first wench to claim the captain's hat o' presidency in this here land of freedom! Aye, for near two-and-a-half centuries, no fair maiden had held such a treasure in her grasp.

But, lo and behold! Many a woman, despite the scallywag’s history o' lewdness and his penchant for slashing the sails of Roe v. Wade, chose to hoist the flag of Donald Trump instead! What manner o' shipwreck be this, ye ask? 'Tis a fine conundrum that baffles even the wisest of sea dogs! How could they set their compasses toward a captain who be so notorious for his rough seas with the fairer sex?

But as we know, the tides o' politics be fickle, and the treasure maps of voters can lead ye astray. So, while Kamala’s dreams of ruling the seven seas o' governance were dashed upon the rocks, the winds of fortune blew another way, leaving our fair pirate queen to ponder the mysteries of the heart—and the voting booth. Arrr, what a tale for the ages it be!

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