The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! The brain bashin’ be rampant 'mongst the speedy sea dogs of the Navy’s finest!


Arrr, matey! The noggins o’ salty sea dogs be takin’ a right thrashin’ from years o’ plunderin’ waves in the Special Boat Teams! That thumpin’ can turn their dreams to barnacles and their lives to a shipwreck, aye! Keep yer wits or ye'll be walkin’ the plank!

Arrr, matey! The brain bashin’ be rampant 'mongst the speedy sea dogs of the Navy’s finest!

Ahoy mateys! Gather ‘round, fer I’ve a tale to spin, one about the ruckus in the noggins of our brave sea-dogs who sail the tumultuous tides in the Special Boat Teams. Aye, these salty sea-urchins be takin’ a right pounding, as their skulls be bouncin’ more than a barrel o’ rum on a stormy night!

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