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Arrr, Trump be thinkin’ 'bout breakin' Biden’s no-execute curse, lettin’ more scallywags swing from the gallows!


Arrr, matey! President-elect Trump be settin' sail to hoist the federal death penalty high, wantin' to toss the Biden-Harris crew's freeze overboard! Fear not, for the high seas of justice be in for a raucous ride! Avast, let the gallows be ready for a jolly good time!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round and lend yer ears to the curious tale of President-elect Donald Trump, who be setting his sights on the gallows this fine campaign season! With a hearty warning to the federal death row lot, he be speakin’ of undoing the moratorium on hangin' put forth by the Biden-Harris crew.

Our swashbucklin' expert, Matt Mangino, tells us that during his last term, Trump oversaw 13 executions! But the scallywag ain't stoppin' there, as he aims to expand the noose's reach to child rapists, human traffickers, and them illegal blaggards who dare do harm to good folk!

Now, such grand ideas face rocky waters, as the Supreme Court once ruled the death penalty for child rapists unconstitutional when the wee ones survive. But with a Republican crew in Congress and a conservative Supreme Court, the winds might just change course!

Trump’s talk of turnin’ drug and human traffickers into swabs of the gallows would be uncharted territory in the New World, akin to the chaos wrought by Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines! And let’s not forget, there be 40 souls on death row, with the likes of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Dylann Roof among 'em, waitin’ for their fates. So, hold fast, me hearties, for the seas of justice be perilous indeed!

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