The Booty Report

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A band o' governors be makin' a crew to thwart the scallywag Trump and his mischief! Arrr!


Arrr, the cap'ns of this rowdy crew, Gov. Pritzker from the land o' Illinois and Gov. Polis from the wilds of Colorado, be schemin' like crafty sea dogs to seize the helm o' the Democrats, lest the ship drift aimlessly in the stormy seas o' leadership!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round, fer I hath news from the landlubber realm of politics! The gallant captains of this here ship o’ state, none other than Gov. JB Pritzker from the fair shores of Illinois and the daring Jared Polis from the rugged lands of Colorado, be settin' their sights high, like a crow’s nest spyglass lookin’ fer treasure!

This pair o’ ambitious Democrats be lookin’ to hoist their sails and steer the good ship of the party through stormy waters, fer there be a gaping hole in the leadership crew! Aye, the winds be a-changin’, and these two scallywags aim to fill that void with their cunning ways and swashbucklin’ charm.

With the horizon a-glimmerin’ with potential, they be chartin’ a course fer new horizons, hopin’ to rally the crew and keep the party from sinkin’ like a leaky ship! But beware, mates, fer the seas be treacherous, and the tides of politics can shift quicker than a rogue wave o’er the bow!

So, keep yer eyes peeled and yer tankards full, fer this merry band o’ Democrats may just forge a new path to glory or end up in Davy Jones' locker! Arrr, what a jolly ride it be!

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