The Booty Report

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"Arrr! Bones of a lass from a blast in '85 be dug up in Philly, shiver me timbers!"


Arrr, it be whispered that the soul of a wee lad, just 12 summers gone, met his fate ‘mongst 11 brave souls in a ruckus with the lawmen and that pesky anti-government crew, MOVE! Aye, what a scallywag of a tale, matey!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round, fer I’ve a tale most curious and grim! It be whispered on the salty winds that a wee lad, no older than twelve winters, met his fate amongst the chaos. Aye, he be one of eleven souls who found themselves caught in the crossfire o’ a fierce clash ‘twixt the lawmen and a rebellious crew known as the MOVE, who be raisin’ all manner of ruckus in their quest fer freedom.

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