The Booty Report

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Arrr, Trump be makin' Dean John Sauer the chief legal swab of the seas, aye! Let the jests begin!


Arrr, mateys! President-elect Trump be hoistin' the sails and choosin' Dean John Sauer to serve as the U.S. solicitor general, savvy? A fine choice, if ye ask me! Let’s hope he navigates the legal seas better than a landlubber on a leaky ship! Yarrr!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn o' high seas and political capers! 'Twas announced by the captain himself, President-elect Trump, that he be choosin’ the swashbucklin' Dean John Sauer to steer the ship as U.S. solicitor general.

“John be a fine catch, a masterful word-slinger in the courts!” Trump exclaimed with a flourish, claimin’ Sauer to be a fella who once rowed the waters of the Supreme Court alongside the legendary Justice Antonin Scalia. With six moons servin’ as Solicitor General of Missouri, Sauer has charted many treacherous legal waters before the grand ole Supreme Court.

This crafty lad ain’t just any deckhand; he recent-like led the charge in the mighty case of Trump v. United States, claimin’ a Historic Victory on Presidential Immunity! Aye, he be a true defender of the MAGA treasure! With parchment from Duke, Oxford, and Harvard, he’s as sharp as a cutlass!

“John shall be a fierce champion for us as we hoist the sails to Make America Great Again!” Trump declared, as the winds of change blew through the cabin. So keep yer spyglasses ready, for this be a tale still unfoldin’ on the high seas of politics!

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