Arrr! Trump be proclaimin' North Dakota's Burgum as the keeper o' the land, matey! Aye, what a jolly choice!
Arrr! Governor Doug Burgum o' North Dakota be takin’ the helm o’ the Department o' the Interior in the Trump crew, as the captain o' the ship announced! Hoist the sails and prepare fer a wild voyage, mateys! Avast, me hearties, the treasure be awaitin’!
Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn from the high seas of politics! 'Twas a jolly night when President-elect Trump, with a wink and a nod, proclaimed a grand announcement about the newfound captain of the Department of the Interior—none other than North Dakota's own Governor Doug Burgum! Aye, it be a mighty fine choice!"He be a fine lad," Trump said at the America First shindig down at his Mar-a-Lago treasure trove. "He'll be slashing through them pesky regulations like a cutlass through a stormy sea!" With a hearty laugh, our captain vowed to purge the scallywags from the bureaucratic brig, and even tackle the dark business of child mischief with a swashbuckler’s resolve.
Burgum, a shrewd multi-millionaire and former software captain, once sailed the presidential waters himself but ended up endorsing Trump faster than a ship can catch the wind! He promised that under his watch, America would reign supreme in energy, making us the mightiest nation on the globe!
So hoist the sails, me hearties, for a new chapter in the political seas be upon us, and may the winds of change blow favorably for our new crew! Arrr!