The Booty Report

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"Under the glitterin' lantern at Mar-a-Lago, Trump be makin' choices faster than a seagull on a fishin' spree!"


Arrr, matey! Captain Trump be givin' the scorn to them fancy landlubbers in Washington! He be plannin' to fill his crew not with brains, but with the hearty souls who pledge their loyalty. Aye, a ship of mates over scholars, that be the way o’ it!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather ‘round and lend an ear to the tale of a certain landlubber known as President-elect Donald J. Trump. This scallywag be more scornful of the land’s wisdom than a sailor be of a barnacle-encrusted hull! Aye, he be raisin’ a ruckus in the hallowed halls of Washington, casting aside the learned folk like a captain tossin’ an empty rum barrel overboard.

Instead of seekin’ out the finest navigators of politics, he’s plannin’ to fill his crew with mates who swear fealty like loyal shipmates on a long voyage. Loyalty, ye see, be the compass by which he charts his course! Forget expertise; it be all about who be kissin’ his ring and swabbin’ the decks with fervor. This be a crew of buccaneers, not scholars, savvy?

So, as we sail into these treacherous waters, keep yer spyglasses peeled. We might just find ourselves in a raucous adventure, led by a captain who thinks a loyal crew be the treasure worth plunderin’! Trump be tossin’ tradition overboard, ready to hoist the Jolly Roger of loyalty! Raise a tankard, me mateys, for the high seas ahead be filled with laughter and bewilderment!

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