The Booty Report

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“Democrats be crafting a grand scheme to best the scallywag Trump, like a parrot tryin’ to out-squawk a cannon!”


Aye, matey! The crew be busy readyin’ for the next Trump tempest, not by marchin’ with swords raised, but by wranglin’ in the courts an’ seizin’ the governor’s gold! Avast, ‘tis a battle of writs, not of cannons!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather ’round as I spin ye a yarn of the scallywags preparin’ to face the next Trump tempest! It be not a rum punch-up in the streets, nay, but a fine legal battle that they be steerin’ towards! Aye, they be sharpenin' their quills and dustin’ off their law books, for it be a court of law they wish to storm, not the high seas.

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