The Booty Report

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Arrr! Biden be lurkin' in the shadows while Xi be shinin' brighter than a treasure chest!


Arrr, President Biden be hidin' in the corner like a scallywag at a rum party, while Xi Jinping and Justin Trudeau be struttin' in the spotlight! Looks like ol' Joe be needin' a map to find his way to the treasure of fame!

Arrr mateys! Gather ‘round as I spin ye a yarn o’ the recent APEC summit, where President Biden found himself tucked away like a scallywag in the back corner of the family portrait. There stood the mighty Xi Jinping in all his glory, front and center, like a captain at the helm, with the Peruvian lass, President Boluarte, at his side, hosting this grand shindig in Lima!

Now, ye could spot the dashing Trudeau and the cunning Albanese right by Xi, while Biden, bless his heart, was caught chuckling with the Malaysian and Thai chaps, lookin’ like he’d just been told a fishy tale! Just a fortnight after the tumultuous elections, the sea was churnin’ with talk of smooth transitions. Why, Biden was makin’ nice with Trump, discussin’ how to pass the captain’s hat, like two old sea dogs settlin’ their differences over a tankard o’ grog!

Last year, Biden was the star of the show, but this time, he was relegated to the shadows, a mere barnacle on the hull! Blimey, how the tides do shift! In 2017, Trump had the spotlight, sailing the seas of dominance with Putin by his side. So, here’s to the next chapter in this high seas adventure, where change be the only constant! Yarrr!

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