The Booty Report

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Arrr, it be found that some scallywag vape sellers be flouting the rules, lettin' wee barnacles buy their puffin' treasures!


Arrr, matey! A band of scallywags from UC San Diego be spottin' e-cigarette vendors floutin' the rules like a ship in a storm! They be chattin' 'bout these troublesome tidings, wonderin' if these landlubbers be needin' a good keel-haulin' for their mischief! Har har har!

Ahoy, mateys! It seems the scallywags peddlin' those e-cigarettes and vapes online be walkin' the plank o' compliance! A hearty crew o’ researchers from the University of California San Diego found that these rascals be sellin' flavored vapes to landlubbers, includin’ the wee ones, despite laws set to keep 'em at bay.

In a grand experiment, our brave volunteers attempted to score flavored vapes online and, shiver me timbers, 73% of their loot was delivered straight to their doorsteps! Not a soul scanned their IDs, and a whopping 81% of deliveries sailed in via the U.S. Postal Service—clearly not mindin’ the law of the land or sea!

The good Doctor Leas warned that this blunder be makin' it a breeze for the young'uns to get their hands on these no-good vapes, suggestin’ that a lookout be needed to monitor these online rogues. Despite the rules meant to shackle these pirate sales, it seems the ship has sailed on enforcement. With California tryin’ to tighten the noose on tobacco sales, it be clear that the seas be murky for keepin' our youth safe from these vaporous temptations! Arrr!

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