Arrr! A mighty boom shakes Central Beirut, first ruckus in weeks! The landlubbers be jumpin' like fish outta water!
Arrr, matey! The mighty Israel’s scallywags be unleashin' a storm of cannon fire on yon shores near the Lebanese haven, blastin’ louder than a drunken sea shanty! Aye, 'tis the fiercest bombardment the seas have seen in many a month, me hearty!
Arrr mateys! Gather 'round and lend yer ears to this tale of thunderous booms and cannonade! The Israelite scallywags be raining down more fire than a vengeful kraken, batterin’ the shores just outside the grand ol’ Lebanese port! Aye, they be unleashing the fiercest bombardments seen in many a moon, rattlin' the bones o' landlubbers and sea dogs alike!