The Booty Report

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"Arrr! They’ve found a mighty fine treasure fer lowering blood pressure in scallywags with the sugar disease, ye hearty! Har har!"


Arrr, matey! For them scallywags with the sugar woes, keepin' yer blood pressure at 120 be a treasure, cuttin’ down heart troubles like a cutlass! Just like the SPRINT, but without the sweet tooth! Hoist the sails of health, ye landlubbers!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the scallywags sufferin' from the treacherous ailment known as diabetes! In a grand study called BPROADS, it be found that settin' yer sights on a systolic pressure o' 120 mm Hg can help ye dodge a fair share o' cardiovascular calamities, just like the fine results seen in the SPRINT tale for landlubbers without the sugar troubles.

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