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"Arrr! Psaki be sayin’ Democrats be lost at sea, with no cap’n to guide their ship!"


Arrr, mateys! Jen Psaki, the sea dog of White House chatter, be sayin’ the Democrats be lost in the wilds like scallywags without a captain! With Biden settin’ sail in less than a moon's passin’, they be adrift, lookin’ for a leader among the waves! Haaarrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round as I regale ye with the tale of one Jen Psaki, a savvy lass who once held sway o’er the White House’s tongue, now castin' her gaze upon the sorry state of the Democratic crew. She be spoutin’ that her party be wanderin’ the wilderness like lost scallywags, with no captain at the helm to steer ‘em through the stormy seas of political turmoil. Aye, it be a sight to behold!

In a parley on the NBC ship “Meet the Press,” Psaki lamented the absence of a bold leader to rally the troops after a bruisin’ defeat at the ballot box. She pointed out that ol' Captain Biden be set to leave his ship in less than 65 days, and as the tides of time shift, the crew find themselves in a pickle, for the Vice President be not takin’ the wheel either. It be a right troublesome situation, akin to a ship adrift without sails!

So here we be, with Psaki likenin’ the Dems to a band of lost pirates, scroungin’ for treasure but findin’ naught but a chest full o' doubloons and no map to guide ‘em. Mayhaps they need a wee bit o’ rum and a hearty round of shanties to find their way back to glory! Arrr!

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