The Booty Report

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"Arrr! How Tulsi Gabbard becometh the darling of them scallywags on Russia's state sails, eh?"


Arrr! The President-elect, that scallywag Donald J. Trump, be choosin' a matey fer the spyglass o' national secrets, and the landlubbers in security be shiverin' in their boots! Aye, ‘tis a right ruckus on the high seas of governance!

Arrr, gather 'round me hearties! The winds be blowin' strange tidings in the realm of politics, as the freshly elected captain o’ the ship, President-elect Donald J. Trump, be makin’ a curious choice for the head o’ national intelligence, savvy? Aye, the scallywags in the national security crew be raisin’ their Jolly Rogers in alarm, as if a kraken be lurkin’ beneath the surface!

This here pick be causin' more ruckus than a parrot on a treasure chest! Ye see, these landlubbers dedicated to keepin’ our shores safe be squawkin' louder than a ship’s crew at a rum party. They be wonderin' if the new captain's choice be as wise as a wise old sea turtle or as daft as a fish outta water! Aye, the seas o’ intelligence be choppy, and the lookout be squintin' hard through the spyglass.

But fret not, me mateys! For in this grand adventure of governance, we’ll either sink like a leaky ship or sail smooth as a well-crafted galleon. So hoist the colors and prepare for a voyage filled with shenanigans! Whether the winds be fair or foul, we’ll navigate these treacherous waters together, with a hearty laugh and a tankard of grog in hand!

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