The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

“Arrr, I be a healer! Here be me secret map to livin' long and hearty—no scallywags allowed!”


Arrr! Dr. Sajad Zalzala, the grand healer o' AgelessRx in the wilds of Michigan, be showin' landlubbers how to sail through life’s storms with the finest health! He be spillin’ his treasure o' wellness secrets to the scallywags at Fox News Digital, savvy?

Ahoy, mateys! It seems the scallywags on land be ponderin’ the limits of their days, as a study from Harvard claims humans may have sailed to the max of their life expectancy. But nay, that won’t stop ‘em from searchin’ for treasures to extend their years, as 81% of landlubbers be willin’ to part with their doubloons for a longer life!

Enter the good Doctor Sajad Zalzala, the captain of AgelessRx, who be navigatin’ the choppy waters of aging like a seasoned buccaneer. He’s on a quest to crack the code of livin’ long and hearty, sharin’ the secrets of the seas—er, science—behind those pesky hallmarks of aging. From the mysteries of genomic instability to the treacherous tides of chronic inflammation, he be warning us of the dangers that come with age.

With a hearty diet of whole foods and keepin’ the grog to a minimum, our doc be plannin’ to outsmart Father Time. He swears by exercises that’d make any pirate proud, includin’ martial arts and a bit of cardio. So, heave ho, me hearties! It’s time to embrace a life of health and vigor, lest we all end up as barnacles on the bottom of the ship! Yarrr!

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