The Booty Report

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Arrr! Two landlubber constables took a bullet while chasin' a scallywag in a stolen vessel, aye!


Arrr, matey! Two lawmen in Louisburg be patchin' up after a ruckus with a scallywag and his pilfered ship on wheels! They took a few lead pellets, and the knave within got a taste o’ the iron too! A right mess, I say!

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round as I regale ye with a tale from the fair shores o' Kentucky, where trouble brewed on a dark Tuesday eve! Two brave constables, in the heat of duty, stumbled upon a rogue vessel—a stolen carriage, no less! It be in the Smoketown quarter when the scallywags in the carriage decided to play a game of cannon fire, resulting in a ruckus that had both officers caught in the fray.

During the scuffle, one officer took a bullet to the hand, whilst the other received a less-than-friendly greeting to the leg! Fear not, for their injuries be not fatal, just a wee bit of a scrape. They be whisked away to the finest hospital in Louisville, where their spirits remained as high as a ship's mast!

Louisville's mayor, a jolly fellow named Craig Greenberg, made haste to visit the officers, givin' thanks for their valor and the gallant crew of the LMPD. He declared that they be on the mend and that the hospital staff be a treasure of care. As the sun sets on this stormy escapade, the investigation into the shenanigans continues—stay tuned for more news from these waters, savvy?

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