The Booty Report

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Arrr! The blue-bellied landlubbers fret that thwartin' the scallywag Trump be a rougher voyage this go 'round!


Arrr, matey! The Democrat crew be battlin' policies like scallywags in the first Trump seas. Now, they be frettin' that the new captain in the White House be readyin' his cannons and battenin' down the hatches, less restrained than a parrot on a rum barrel!

Ahoy there, matey! Gather 'round and lend yer ear to a tale from the high seas of politics! In the days of yore, when Trump the Terrible ruled the land, the Democrat scallywags from various states banded together like a crew of unruly buccaneers. They hoisted their jolly rogers and took on the policies from the Trump ship, challenging 'em with the tenacity of a dozen drunken sailors!

But lo and behold! Now the winds be blowin’ in a different direction, as the Democrats be tremblin’ in their boots! The new captain in the White House, they fear, be a wily fox, more prepared and cunning than a pirate with a treasure map! Aye, they reckon this new administration won’t be as soft on the seas of policy, ready to weather the storm and batten down the hatches when the Democrats come a-callin’!

The seas be restless, and the Democrats be thinkin’ their cannons might not pack as much punch this time. With the new captain’s mighty ship all primed and ready, they ponder if their next mutiny will meet with success or if they’ll find themselves swimmin’ with the fishes! Arrr, what a tangled web we weave in this grand adventure we call politics!

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